7/23-25/07 Eleven Point River, S.E. Missouri

July was busy and I didn't get out to my normal haunts at all for frog call surveying. I did take a wonderful three-day, thirty-five mile canoe trip with my son Jason on the Eleven Point River in South East Missouri. I don't have any recordings, unfortunately, but although we heard some bullfrogs and some cricket frogs, by far the most common calling frogs were green frogs. They were spread out down the river, normally one per vegetated area along the side of the river. There were sometimes two or three in an area, but across the river or down the river from each other-- never it seems calling from the same patch of plants. Ahh, and the first night we camped at the campground associated with the folks we were renting our canoe from, there was a tree frog in the shower (pictured above)-- an eastern gray tree frog I believe, though the calls I heard were not exactly like what we have here in Central Illinois, but I've been told there are "dialect" differences through the ranges of the varous frogs. Unfortunately, again, no recording.