7-7-08 Riverbend Forest Preserve, Champaign County, IL
In spite of heavy rains earlier in the day, the water levels were the lowest I've seen them this year. The shallows actually had the normal land emerging from the water (and three bucks with velveted antlers crossing it when I got there). Mostly cricket frogs there, but a solitary bull frog also; spotted what I think was a small plains leopard frog in a puddle near the shallows. The meadow belongs to the fireflies now. On my way out to the shallows I stopped by-- the water that's been there all year was quite low now and, to my surprise a dozen or more small dead fish were floating in it. A solitary unidentified frog or toad hopped into the water as I arrived. Listening later I heard a single cricket frog (quite a contrast to the June 17 recording below) and scattered Fowler's toads. There were American toads and, I think, Fowler's toads at a distance-- possibly from across the river somewhere.
Frog call survey highlight of the evening, however, were the E. Gray Tree Frogs. Two were calling from the drainage area off the boat ramp parking lot-- dualing tree frogs. The recording is of them. Leaving the preserve I was treated to a massive chorus of E. Gray Tree Frogs calling from standing water on land belonging to the gravel quarry.