03-31-15 More Western Chorus Frogs
Did an official frog call survey at RiverBend tonight (the photo is of Sunset Lake from the peninsula). In my four monitoring locations I had a single lonely Western Chorus Frog in the meadow (not much water there), and he wasn't any too enthusiastic. We (my son Daniel joined me tonight!) did have an American toad cross our path and saw an American mink scurry past near the river. Also heard a couple of woodcocks. There were livelier choruses of Western Chorus Frogs in the area though and the recording is of several in a small pool along the road not far from the shelter at the boat ramp. After listening to them a bit (and recording) we shined our flashlight around the pool in hopes of catching sight of one or more. They kept right on singing, ignoring us completely, but we still couldn't spot any of them.