06-01-15 In the Least Expected Places...
This is the back of a strip mall in Charleston Illinois where I'd stopped to drop off a donation to the local Goodwill Store. I missed its closing by about 2 minutes, but while I was standing there pondering what to do next, what should I hear but a Cope's Gray Tree Frog calling from near the dumpster. I investigated a bit (but felt awkward prowling around the back of a Chinese restaurant just outside their screen door) a found a barrel about 2/3 full of rain water. I didn't find the frog but have no doubt he was calling from somewhere right near there. I have to take my hat off to him -- he chose a spot with great acoustics even if not very picturesque. The recording is from the same spot as where the picture was taken. He only calls a couple of times in this brief recording but was going strong earlier.